From Pocket Edition Empires Wiki
Tech levels : Stone Age, Copper, Bronze, Iron
I A passage to China
- Clear the way for the Roman delegation to visit China
II Shipwrecked
- Stockpile wood
- Build 10 ships.
- Fight Garuda
III Langkasuka
- Do quests for the villagers
- Defend against Garuda
IV Fighting Garuda
- Destroy all forts and docks belonging to Garuda
V Expansion
- Although defeated, Garuda continues to be a threat. Hunt down the last remnants of them around the sea and set up new colonies (Patani, Gangga Negara, Siam)
- Ask the Chinese for help by paying up some gold as tribute.
VI The Fanged King
(Bronze Iron) The king of Langkasuka has gone mad and demands blood sacrifices. You must send villagers continuously to his palace where they will be sucked dry of their blood. Secretly go through the kingdoms of Patani, Gangga Negara and Siam to secure their allegiance, then drive the Langkasuka King out of the kingdom.
VII Defeating Srivijaya
(Bronze Iron)
- Win this scenario either through building a wonder or by destroying all Srivijaya structure and units.
- The Srivijaya will continue to receive naval reinforcements if you don't kill enough of them.
- Towards the end of the scenario, the Srivijaya will take over any existing pirates, making it harder for you to destroy them.
- Garuda
- Patani
- Siam
- Gangga Negara