Start ages: Copper to Iron Scenarios:
- Conquer the Sumerians
- Defeat the wandering tribes (Hittites, Arabs, Assyrians, Gutians, Arameans - pay tribute to keep them from invading you.)
- Recapture Babylon and defeat the Elamites
- Defeat the Assyrians (ally with neighbouring cities then destroy the others)
- Destroy the Assyrians (go and travel around the land and collect allies before attacking the two Assyrian cities of Nineveh and Harran)
- Conquer more land than other factions (Arabs, Egypt, Cilicians, Phoenicians, Hittites)
- Resist the Persian invasion. - this is a suicide level since the Persians are vastly stronger.
Start ages: Copper to Iron Scenarios:
I Rising from the Dust
(Foundation of Babylon) Conquer the cities of the Akkadians to form Babylon. The player starts off with villagers, and must find a means to conquer the many squabbling Sumerian city-states.
II The Great Escape
(Fall of Babylon to Hittites, Babylonians versus Akkadians, Hittites, Gutians) Escort the Hero to get outside Babylon
III Reconquering Greatness
(fall of Elam: Babylonians versus Elamites, Gutians) Recapture Babylon and defeat the Elamites
IV Tyranny
(Rebellion against Assyria: Babylonians versus Assyria) Defeat the Assyrians (ally with neighbouring cities then destroy the others)
V Taking Down the Enemy
(destruction of Assyria: Babylon versus Assyria, Persians, Medes, with Cimmerians, Arameans, Scythians) Destroy the Assyrian Capital (go and travel around the land and collect allies before attacking the two Assyrian cities of Nineveh and Harran)
VI Wonder Race
(Neo-Babylonian dynasty: Babylonians versus Persians, Lydians, Medes, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Jews, Arabs) Build Wonders then Prevent it from being attacked by either faction.
VII Fall of Babylon
(Battle of Opis: Babylonians versus Persians) Resist the Persian invasion. - this is a suicide level since the Persians are vastly stronger